Browsing Fast fish

Curried sea bass with coconut rice


Curried sea bass with coconut rice

After all my ranting about sustainable fishing I’m at a loss for words on this one. It turns out this bluenose sea bass, while sustainable, isn’t local, much to my disgust. Read the rest of this entry »

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Recipe #56 – Quick fish stew & bruschetta


Quick fish stew & bruschetta

Another pleasant surprise! Seriously, these fish dishes (for the most part) have been fantastic. Read the rest of this entry »

posted under Fast fish | 5 Comments »

Recipe #53 & #54 – Tuna, courgettes and beans & Grilled fruit lime crème fraiche


Tuna, courgettes and beans

Fanflippingtastic! I know it isn’t a real word, but it best describes this meal. Truthfully it blindsided me. I expected a solid wholesome meal, but it was so much more… Read the rest of this entry »

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