Recipe # 29 – Thai green curry with coconut rice


Recipe # 29 – Thai green curry with coconut rice

I’m used to getting my Thai curry paste in a packet or jar… no such luck here. I must say though that is was surprisingly easy to make, all thanks to my little friend, Mr. Braun, who whizzed, diced and sliced the paste up in no time.

Truthfully it was probably the first time I actually took notice of what is IN the paste and after a few false starts I managed to find some of the harder to find ingredients at Pick ‘n Pay in Canal Walk, oddly though the dried lime leaves and lime juice where hanging out with the flour… yip, you are probably as confused as I was…

It gets the thumbs up as being an easy to cook, 20 minute meal and as long as you have a blender, making it is a breeze.

I found the asparagus adds an interesting touch to the dish, though next time I’ll probably dice the green beans, making consumption a little easier.

posted under Quick curries
2 Comments to

“Recipe # 29 – Thai green curry with coconut rice”

  1. Avatar October 6th, 2010 at 9:27 AM Heidi Says:

    I am really enjoying your blog…..l

    ove the comments….get a daily dose of laughter from that!

    Would love to see the ‘pre-Jamie’ plates.

    Must say, the risottos don’t look very appetizing, but the rest makes me wanna start cooking …. if it weren’t for that dishes hey..?

  2. Avatar October 6th, 2010 at 10:19 PM Matt Allison Says:

    Hi Heidi,

    Thanks for the kind words! The ‘pre-Jamie’ plates are the same, we were given that dinner set for a wedding gift from my brother 6 years ago, still going strong!

    I think risottos rarely look that appetizing, but they taste amazing!

    RE dishes, if you clean as you go I find it makes it easier on you, dishwasher or not.



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